Cloud Resume Challenge - Azure Serverless

I recently came across the site and decided to give it a try using Azure services. To start simple I decided to ignore the DB, CDN part etc and just have the the UI and the middler layer of the app. Below is the high level architecture. The front end of the app will be hosted a static web site in Azure Blob storage. Backend will be an Azure function that will feed the resume data to the frontend over HTTP, the azure function will be a HTTP triggered function. Currently the resume data in JSON format hardcoded in the Azure Function code. As an upgrade to the app, the JSON data can be moved to a CosmosDB instance and put an Azure CDN in front of the UI to deliver content fast to users. ...

June 28, 2021 · 4 min · 848 words · Me

Implementing Custom Feature flags - Your own logic to shutoff a feature - Azure App Configuration

This is a continuation from the previous article on feature flags implemented using Azure App configuration service to maintain the flags. Just to reiterate, feature management can be implemented using config files but this article is trying to implement feature flags connecting to Azure App configuration service. Introduction The previous article described about implementing a boolean feature flag to turn on/off a feature. In this article I am trying to implement a custom feature flag. Microsoft provides few predefined custom feature flags or feature filters (as they are called) Targeting, TimeWindow, and Percentage (more about it here), which covers most usecases, however, there might be situations where you find the predefined ones falling short. In this article I am building a filter ground up with a made up custom logic. ...

June 22, 2021 · 4 min · 666 words · Me

Implementing Feature flags using azure

Feature flag is a very popular practice in modern application development, which is used to specifically hide features implemented that are not yet ready to be used by wider audience, and when ready can be enabled by a flip of a switch. The flags can also be used as a kill switch for application feature when it not working as expected. With feature flags implemented, it would be effective to have the features enabled or disabled from a location outside of the application infrastructure or configuration, this way we can have features spanning across applications be controlled via a centralized flag. Azure has feature management as part of the Azure App configuration service which can manage feature flags and maintain it separate from your hosting model and will act as a centralized repository for feature flags. Microsoft also provides libraries for different programing languages to consume Azure App Configuration service. More about it can be found here ...

May 16, 2021 · 5 min · 922 words · Me

Tired of updating namespaces? With VS2019 you won't.

Most of us programmers would have moved code files around to different folders at a different stages of the application development, this might be due to refactoring or redesigning or re-organizing. While moving around the code files, most .Net developers would have spent enough time changing the namespaces to match the folder structure (as better practice). With Visual Studio 2019, this mundane task of changing the namespaces while moving folder is now automated, which means, visual studio updates the namespace to match the folder structure by itself. Even if for some reason, you move the folder using the file explorer rather than the visual studio, in such case, you can go into the code file and you get an option to update the namespace to match the folder structure or change it any other existing namespace from your project. ...

October 17, 2019 · 1 min · 142 words · Me

Clean your code using Code cleanup in Visual Studio 2019

All we developers would have spent time in cleaning up the code after we are done with a long day of code and coffee! for .Net developers it is to do with removing all the using clause added automatically by visual studio/nuget that you no longer need, removing variables that was not put to use, adding read only to eligible private variables, adding or removing braces from single statement blocks etc etc. ...

September 16, 2016 · 2 min · 363 words · Me